Information about the beautiful buildings of Chichen Itza

The Maya ruins of Chichen Itza are Yucatan’s greatest archaeological site and one of Mexico’s most popular tourist destinations. It is located about 125 kilometres west of Cancun. In 1988, Chichen Itza became a UNESCO World Heritage because of its immense cultural significance.
The Mayan are regarded as the most advanced ancient civilization that ever lived in Latin America, and one of the most progressive of its time anywhere in the world. They were excellent astronomers, architect/builders, athletes and mathematicians. The history of Chichen Itza can be traced back to the classic period of Mayan civilization, running between 250 BC through AD 850.

Beautiful buildings
Chichen Itza has beautiful buildings that still keep dozens of secrets about the knowledge that the ancient Maya possessed. Every building has a purpose, even the position and size they have, probably also have a purpose. This is the case of the Temple of Kukulcan, perfectly marking the equinoxes and summer solstice. Platform of Venus is another example of this, as the planet of the same name was, along with the Sun and the Moon, one of the most important planets to define ceremonies that ruled the lifestyle of the Maya. El Caracol or Observatory, allowed to carry a perfect score of the cycles of the moon, among other purposes, showed favorable dates for planting and harvesting, as well as the equinoxes and solstice.
The genius and adaptability of Mayan culture can be seen in the splendid ruins of Chichen Itza. This powerful city, a trading center for cloth, slaves, honey and salt, flourished from approximately 800 to 1200, and acted as the political and economic hub of the Mayan civilization. Uncover the truth about the prophecy of December 21, 2012. The ancient Maya made stunning predictions more than 2,000 years ago.
In Chichen Itza there is a lot to discover for you. Some of the most famous parts of Chichen Itza include:
El Castillo
This is the largest pyramid at Chichen Itza. It is dedicated to Kukulkan, the Plumed Serpent. El Castillo is a monumental representation of the Mayan calendar. There are 18 terraces on each side, the number of months in the Mayan year. Every year on the fall and spring equinox the sun hits the side of the building making a show of light and shadow which looks like a snake along the steps of the building. If you can’t make the equinoxes, a sound and light show in the evenings offers an approximation. This is a must-see you cannot miss!

Temple of the Warriors
Hundreds of columns surround a huge temple structure with carvings. Square columns are there that once held up the roof of the temple. These columns are carved on all four sides with figures of warriors wearing feathers.
Great Ball Court
This is the largest known ancient sports field in Central America, at 545 feet in length and 225 feet in width. Each end has a raised temple area. The sounds in the ball court are remarkable: a whisper from one end can be clearly heard at the other. No Maya text remains to explain the rules of the game, but it is known that among Maya kings and nobles, the ball game had ritual significance and was associated with warfare; the depiction of a decapitated player in the ball court at Chichen Itza suggests that in some competitions warriors lost their lives.

Sacred Cenote
A cenote is an underground lake or river. It measures 60 meters (198 feet) in diameter. This cenote is where royalty gave gifts to the gods. Many fantastic treasures have been found there: rings, necklaces, gold and jade objects, as well as the bones of young women that were thrown into the water as an offering to Chaac, the Mayan rain god.