Years ago Chichen Itza received more than 14 thousand people for the Chichen Itza Equinox. Now, tourist authorities have announced that Chichen Itza will be closed on March 20,21, and 22 to protect visitors’ health and avoid the spread of the virus.
Chichen Itza Equinox
The equinox in Chichen Itza is a magical spectacle, this phenomena occur when the day and night are the same lengths in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. During this astronomical event, the Kukulkan Pyramid gets the firsts sunlight of the spring and the Kukulcan shadow starts to go down forming the famous feathered serpent of Kukulkan, it looks perfectly in the castle.
This famous spectacle seems to be the perfect day for visiting Chichen Itza and to receive the spring, but not for this year due to the virus.
Chichen Itza will be closed during the 2021 Equinox
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